Hope Pathway, our objective is always to provide the best possible care and support for those we work with. To enable us to achieve the highest standards possible we will:
- Provide a house which young people can be proud of and feel able to invite family and friends too.
- Work alongside colleagues and other agencies to build strong relationships with young people and their families.
- Provide an environment in which young people can be encouraged to develop physically, psychologically, intellectually, and socially.
- When appropriate, offer specialized support and counselling from experienced staff who will encourage and enable young people to achieve and move into independent living. External resources will be made available to young people as deemed necessary by their individual pathway plans.
- Provide a safe environment where young people can reflect on their experiences, stabilize their behaviour, regain control and find coping mechanisms.
- Provide the maximum opportunity for each young person to mature as an individual, to develop their personal identity, and accept responsibility for their own actions.
- Promote the independence of young people at all times and encourage them to care for themselves by offering a high level of emotional support and practical help in health and educational/employment issues, cooking, budgeting, and household tasks.
- Provide a supportive environment for young people in which, with guidance, they can assess themselves realistically and determine their own options.
- Preserve and support the young person’s links with their own community by working in partnership with the young people, their parents, other carers, and those with parental responsibility.
- Involve young people in decision-making.
- Ensure that all staff receive ongoing training, support, and guidance to enable them to support the young people to the best of their ability.
- Ensure non-discriminatory practices in accordance with our Equal Opportunities Policy.
We will deliver the above aims and objectives in a non-judgmental, non-punitive way engendering an ethos of care and mutual respect, aiming to encourage young people to become well-balanced, positive, and productive members of our society whilst working towards independence.
The main aim of Hope Pathway’s semi-independent service is to prepare young people for independence and support them during this transition.
Therefore, young people should be made aware of ‘real world consequences’ for their actions.
‘Real-world consequences’ are consequences that would happen to anyone in society who carried out the same or similar action as the young person.
By working in this way young people will learn what independence means and how their actions have consequences to their daily living in a real and direct way.
There may, however, be times when sanctions are imposed to further illustrate the ‘real world consequences’ young people will face or used as a way of encouraging the young person to take responsibility and acknowledge that they are becoming adults and independent living is something they need to accept.